Wednesday, December 5, 2007

In the beginning....

When I was little, I wanted to be a writer, among numerous other things. (Astronaut, Veterinarian, Teacher, and an Olympic Gymnast) I wrote the best stories when I as little, except for that one about a squirrel becoming roadkill, but that's a different story. Anyway, as I grew older, it became harder and harder to write these witty short pieces of fiction. Fast-forward to the present, and now my writing skills are completely ruined. I have nothing. No new, interesting stories. Not even funny quips about day to day life. I'm officially boring.
In an effort to 'reinvent' myself, so to speak, I am starting this blog, which will be about absolutely nothing and/or everything. There I am again, ranting. Ranting rather boringly, I might add.
So, my goal, (a pre-new year's resolution, if you will) is to write once a week about SOMETHING. Perhaps that something will be global issues one week, and about the dust that accumulates on my desk the next. This will not be a place to post about my mundane daily existence, as I'm sure you will enjoy reading 'Johnny said something about Jill and then I bought groceries' as much as I enjoy writing drivel like that. (Side note: I don't know a 'Johnny' or a 'Jill')

I'm not asking anyone to listen, or care for that matter. I'm just asking myself to re-kindle the creativity.
And with that, let's begin.....